I had my follow-up appointment with the high-risk OB this morning, and I'm NOT writing this update from the hospital!! YAY! :) Here's the update:
- Still having some leaking of amniotic fluid. Doctor is hopeful that the leak is slowing/healing itself. Baby looked really good again today, and she was moving and kicking throughout the ultrasound session.
- The major risk at this point is infection, which is a very serious complication of having premature rupture of membranes. If I were to develop any kind of uterine infection, it would be very dangerous for me, and because of that they would have to take the baby right away.
- Because of this chance, they gave me a shot of betamethasome (my butt is still aching from it). This is basically a steroid given to increase the baby's lung development and improve her chances of survival if she needed to be delivered early due to infection. I go back tomorrow morning for a second shot.
- The doctor told us that in most cases, she would recommend hospitalization at this point for close monitoring of me and of the baby. However, she gave my primary OB a call, and after talking for awhile, they decided that they would let me continue my bedrest at home for now. I will need to monitor myself very closely and take my temperature every three hours around the clock, as a fever is often the first (and sometimes only) sign of infection. I go back in a week from today for another ultrasound and appointment, and if in two weeks the leak is still present, then I will for sure be admitted to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy... no question.
So, there it is in a nutshell. I am relieved to be at HOME right now, and praying that this will all resolve so that I can continue being HOME for the rest of this pregnancy! Thank you to all of you who have been checking in on me... it means so much to us to know that we have so many people who care about what's been going on!!