Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Just thought I'd share a few (OK, more than a few) Christmas pictures from the Hafeman family!

We had a truly blessed Christmas filled with family and joy! Hope you all had the same!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Off to Church...


Had my appointment yesterday, and things went pretty well.  Baby girl still looks great... we even got to take a peek at her with a 3-D ultrasound!  It was amazing- she looks a lot like Lydia already!  Doctor said that the fluid looks great, and since it has been a week and a half since I've had any leaking of amniotic fluid, she feels pretty confident that the leak has HEALED!  Prayers have been answered!

Over one hurdle, on to another...

I spent the afternoon/evening in the hospital on Saturday because I started bleeding and cramping early that morning.  They couldn't find an obvious reason for the bleeding, but gave me a shot of something to stop the cramping.  The doctor yesterday said that because of the continued, sporadic bleeding I've experienced through this pregnancy, that she really couldn't let me off of bedrest at this point.  BUT, I asked her if I could please go to church with my family today to celebrate Christmas Eve, and she said YES!  I am also able to go shopping for small amounts of time IF someone will push me in a wheelchair.  Any takers?? :)

I will continue with weekly appointments for the next month to make sure that all continues to be well with our little one.  I'll keep you all posted.

Take Care, and I hope you all enjoy this holiday season!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Someone pointed something out to me last night.  She pointed out the fact that never in this blog have I talked about the results of the amniocentesis.  I really didn't believe her, so I went back and re-read every post I've made so far.  She was right... not one single mention of it!  

Funny how things that once seemed so important seem so very insignificant as of late.  Six weeks ago, the focus of our worry shifted almost instantly from wondering whether or not this baby of ours had Down syndrome or any other chromosomal issues, to wondering whether or not this baby would SURVIVE.  The Lord has a way of shifting our focus to the things that are truly important in life, I guess.

So, for those who don't know already, the results of the amnio are that this baby girl of ours does NOT have Down syndrome or Trisomy 18.  As far as anybody can tell, she is a healthy baby in every way.  The increased nuchal fold, which started all of this worry back in September, has completely resolved.  The cyst that was present on her brain at our 19 week ultrasound has disappeared.  All is well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not Free Yet...

The good news... baby girl continues to look great and has plenty of amniotic fluid!  She had both of her little hands up by her mouth again and was sucking on her fingers... I'm thinking we may have a little thumb-sucker on our hands.  The doctor was encouraged when I told her that I am pretty sure that I haven't leaked any amniotic fluid for a good four days... she said that she is very hopeful that this leak has already healed or is well on its way to doing so.

However, she said that because it has been a relatively short amount of time that I've been feeling better, she would like me to remain on strict bedrest for another week.  UGH!  I was honestly thinking that she would "set me free" today, at least to resume a minimum amount of activity.   But, I will gladly rest on this couch for another seven days if it means our little girl will stay happy and safe inside my belly. :)

We have another appointment next Tuesday.  If at that point all continues to look well with baby and me, then she will allow me to begin adding small amounts of activity into my day.  Just thinking about being able to go to church with my family on Christmas Eve warms my heart beyond words.

So we wait and pray for another good appointment next week... 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Six Weeks Down...

Its hard to believe that it has been six weeks already since our amnio and the beginning of this ever-so exciting journey of bedrest.  I  just wanted to thank all of you for your prayers for our family and for this baby girl... I fully believe that they are working!  I have had a great few days, and am totally anticipating some good news from tomorrow morning's appointment.  Things seem to be really good, and I have a strong feeling that this leak may have healed itself over the last week.  

So, if you think of it, we would really appreciate you keeping us all in your prayers through tomorrow morning.  If all continues to look good with the baby, I am thinking they will allow me to start adding small amounts of activity throughout my day.  I'll update tomorrow!!

Hope you are all enjoying your holiday season!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More of the Same...

Thought I would post another update, although its really just been a lot more of the same around the Hafeman household!  The big news is that I am now 24 weeks and 4 days into this crazy pregnancy, and every week she stays "cooking" inside this oven is a true blessing!!  I have officially spent FIVE weeks laying on this couch... it seems unreal that it has been that long.  My family has been so instrumental in us making it through all of this... they have each been sacrificing so very much in order to care for Lydia and Will when Steve is at work.  God has surrounded us with such amazing people who love and support us, and who will do whatever they can to help us out in this difficult time.

We did have a bit of excitement yesterday morning.  I had a long night with a lot of aches and cramping, and woke around 5:00 am to find that I had started bleeding a bit.  The doctors had me come in right away that morning, as they feared that I may have been in early stages of labor.  Steve scrambled to arrange a sub for his classroom, and we got to the clinic by 9:30 or so.  They did an ultrasound, and we got GREAT news!  Our baby girl still looks wonderful... she has plenty of amniotic fluid and was sucking on her little hand throughout the scan.  She is growing just as she should be, and now weighs in at about 1 lb, 7 oz.   I've had so many ultrasounds during this pregnancy that I feel like I really "know" this little one without having ever actually laid my eyes upon her!  

Anyways, turns out I was NOT in early labor (thank God), and there were NO signs of uterine infection.  Not sure where the bleeding is coming from, though, so we will keep an eye on that. Continued bedrest and another appointment next Tuesday!  Thank you to all who check in on us and who offer prayers and words of encouragement... we appreciate it more than you know!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Appointment Update...

I had my follow-up appointment with the high-risk OB this morning, and I'm NOT writing this update from the hospital!! YAY!  :)  Here's the update:

- Still having some leaking of amniotic fluid.  Doctor is hopeful that the leak is slowing/healing itself.  Baby looked really good again today, and she was moving and kicking throughout the ultrasound session.  

- The major risk at this point is infection, which is a very serious complication of having premature rupture of membranes.  If I were to develop any kind of uterine infection, it would be very dangerous for me, and because of that they would have to take the baby right away.  

- Because of this chance, they gave me a shot of betamethasome (my butt is still aching from it).  This is basically a steroid given to increase the baby's lung development and improve her chances of survival if she needed to be delivered early due to infection.  I go back tomorrow morning for a second shot.

- The doctor told us that in most cases, she would recommend hospitalization at this point for close monitoring of me and of the baby.  However, she gave my primary OB a call, and after talking for awhile, they decided that they would let me continue my bedrest at home for now.  I will need to monitor myself very closely and take my temperature every three hours around the clock, as a fever is often the first (and sometimes only) sign of infection.  I go back in a week from today for another ultrasound and appointment, and if in two weeks the leak is still present, then I will for sure be admitted to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy... no question.

So, there it is in a nutshell.  I am relieved to be at HOME right now, and praying that this will all resolve so that I can continue being HOME for the rest of this pregnancy!  Thank you to all of you who have been checking in on me... it means so much to us to know that we have so many people who care about what's been going on!!