Thursday, December 18, 2008


Someone pointed something out to me last night.  She pointed out the fact that never in this blog have I talked about the results of the amniocentesis.  I really didn't believe her, so I went back and re-read every post I've made so far.  She was right... not one single mention of it!  

Funny how things that once seemed so important seem so very insignificant as of late.  Six weeks ago, the focus of our worry shifted almost instantly from wondering whether or not this baby of ours had Down syndrome or any other chromosomal issues, to wondering whether or not this baby would SURVIVE.  The Lord has a way of shifting our focus to the things that are truly important in life, I guess.

So, for those who don't know already, the results of the amnio are that this baby girl of ours does NOT have Down syndrome or Trisomy 18.  As far as anybody can tell, she is a healthy baby in every way.  The increased nuchal fold, which started all of this worry back in September, has completely resolved.  The cyst that was present on her brain at our 19 week ultrasound has disappeared.  All is well.

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