Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Off to Church...


Had my appointment yesterday, and things went pretty well.  Baby girl still looks great... we even got to take a peek at her with a 3-D ultrasound!  It was amazing- she looks a lot like Lydia already!  Doctor said that the fluid looks great, and since it has been a week and a half since I've had any leaking of amniotic fluid, she feels pretty confident that the leak has HEALED!  Prayers have been answered!

Over one hurdle, on to another...

I spent the afternoon/evening in the hospital on Saturday because I started bleeding and cramping early that morning.  They couldn't find an obvious reason for the bleeding, but gave me a shot of something to stop the cramping.  The doctor yesterday said that because of the continued, sporadic bleeding I've experienced through this pregnancy, that she really couldn't let me off of bedrest at this point.  BUT, I asked her if I could please go to church with my family today to celebrate Christmas Eve, and she said YES!  I am also able to go shopping for small amounts of time IF someone will push me in a wheelchair.  Any takers?? :)

I will continue with weekly appointments for the next month to make sure that all continues to be well with our little one.  I'll keep you all posted.

Take Care, and I hope you all enjoy this holiday season!

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