Monday, November 17, 2008


Not too much to update today as far as the baby goes, but I thought I'd share a couple of highlights from my day on the couch...

1) I actually read a whole 500 page book in three days!!! For those who know me and my love for literature (wink, wink), you know that this is quite an accomplishment for me. Thanks to my friend Erin for bringing me the first book in the "Twilight" series... I can't wait to read the next three books in the series. I would highly recommend it!

2) As I sat on my couch this morning, I noticed that Steve had left his change of clothes for coaching hanging on the closet door in the hallway. Poor Steve... in addition to getting himself showered and ready each morning, he's been having to get both kids fed, dressed and out the door all by himself. I could imagine how frustrated he would be when he realized what he'd forgotten. Poor Steve.

Suddenly, my feelings of pity for him were suppressed as I felt a surge of excitement from within... I realized that the fact that he had made this mistake meant that Steve would have to stop at home on his way to practice to pick up his clothes. Which meant that I would get to see him for FIVE WHOLE MINUTES today!! The thought of this brief adult interaction was enough to launch me into a semi-cheerful mood for the whole day. I even got out of my PJ's and put a little makeup on. It was great.

Thanks to Auntie Katie for watching Will tonight while Dad and Lydia are at gymnastics! :)

Until the next exciting update...

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