Saturday, November 22, 2008

Three Years Ago Today...

... we welcomed our second-born child into the world. What a day it was. Hard to believe its been three years alrady. Today I look at my son and I am in awe of how far he's come... how far we've all come, really...

Three years ago today, we were scared of the future. We looked at our brand new baby and saw the struggles that he woud face... the hurdles that he would have to overcome. We looked at his differences, his medical "conditions", his "clinical features"... we saw a baby that would face a lifetime trials.

Three years ago today, we failed to see the true beauty in our son. We looked past his potential, the sparkle in his eyes, and the little dimple on his right cheek. We assumed that because he held an extra 21st chromosome, that he would be more different than his family than like us.

Three years ago today... we could not have been more wrong...

As I type this, Will and Lydia are holding hands, dancing together in the living room. They are the best of friends in every way, although Will loves to give her a run for her money. Will takes a bus to preschool three days a week where he is learning new things each and every day. He is a light to so many people who love him (and even to perfect strangers in the grocery store). Our lives are so much richer because he's who he is... exactly who God intended him to be.

Happy 3rd Birthday Will!! We love you!!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful. You are an amazing mom!

Anonymous said...

Awww, pass the tissues!!! Happy Belated Birthday little man!!! Thanks for sharing this, I know EXACTLY how you feel!
Emily (Logie's mom)